Hampshire Dental Surgery - Sunshine 


At Hampshire Dental our dentists will tailor your porcelain veneers and crowns to best compliment your expectations, age, gender and surrounding facial features. We take great pride in our work and use only Australian made ceramics to ensure that your porcelain veneers and crowns are of the highest quality and craftsmanship.

Placing custom veneers requires a high degree of technical skill as well as attention to cosmetic detail. We place veneers routinely, and design each case individually to match and enhance the characteristics of each patient’s smile.


Dental bleaching can be used to correct tooth discoloration. Discolorations can be caused by staining, aging, or chemical damage to teeth. Using the latest bleaching technology, we offer a safe method for creating a beautiful smile.

There are two types of whitening: at home whitening bleaching system or in-office chair whitening.

At home bleaching

With at home bleaching, we customize trays for you to wear at home that put teeth in contact with bleaching gel/solution. You can whiten your teeth comfortably at home while you sleep by using our Night Whitening System or for half an hour per day by using our Day Whitening System. 

You will see results in about 10 sessions. This option is relatively inexpensive. However, the degree of whitening can vary from person to person. Monthly touch-ups must be made to maintain the whitening.

In-office whitening

We also perform in-office whitening. This is a faster option for a brighter and whiter smile. i!er preparing your lips and gums, our dentist will apply a gel that gently penetrates your teeth, breaking up stains and discoloration safely, effectively, and quickly. This procedure costs more than at home whitening, but for many patients the immediate results are well worth it.

Other whitening options

Some teeth cannot be whitened with either type of bleaching procedure. In those cases we often recommend veneers, which are porcelain laminates that cover teeth like a glove. Veneers can be used to whiten even the darkest teeth and the shade can be as light as you like. The results last up to 20 years. See the Veneers section for more details.

When supervised by our dentist, whitening will not damage gums or tooth structure. These procedures can help give you a brighter and more beautiful smile.

Porcelain veneers

Veneers are a thin shell of porcelain that is permanently bonded directly to the front surface of the teeth.

Porcelain veneers are used to mask discoloured, chipped, cracked, poorly shaped and positioned teeth. Once completed it can improve the position, shade and shape of your teeth and as a result,the overall aesthetics of your smile.

Veneers are a cosmetic alternative for a variety of dental issues, including:

  • aged veneers needing replacement
  • crooked teeth
  • spaces between teeth
  • broken down or badly chipped teeth
  • permanently stained or discoloured teeth.

Porcelain crowns

Veneers are a thin shell of porcelain that is permanently bonded directly to the front surface of the teeth.

A crown is a permanent covering that fits over an original tooth that is either decayed, damaged or cracked. Crowns are made of a variety of different materials such as porcelain, gold, acrylic resin or a mix of these materials. Porcelain generally has the most natural appearance but it is often less durable.

Porcelain crowns are a very effective way of providing patients with their desired cosmetic result while at the same time strengthening the tooth structure. A crown fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, making it strong and giving it the shape of a natural tooth. Crowns can be used on almost any teeth and, if properly maintained, can last 15+ years.

Crowns can be used, aesthetically and functionally, for:

  • heavily repaired or broken teeth
  • badly discoloured large fillings
  • protecting the physical integrity of a tooth after a root canal procedure.

When bonded to the teeth, the ultra-thin porcelain veneers are virtually undetectable and highly resistant to coffee, tea and even cigarette stains.In terms of strength and appearance, porcelain veneers closely resemble a healthy white tooth enamel.

Our dentist will ensure that your veneers are crafted from the highest quality porcelains and are bonded with the most advanced and proven materials available.

The treatment plan for a patient receiving a crown involves:

  • Numbing the tooth to remove the decay in or around it.
  • Re-sculpturing the tooth to provide an ideal fit for the crown.
  • Making an impression of your teeth in order to create a custom-made crown(usually takes one to two weeks).
  • Making a temporary crown out of acrylic resin and fitting it onto the tooth during the interim period when the permanent custom-made crown is being created.
  • Applying the permanent crown (when received from the lab) by removing the temporary crown and fitting the permanent one onto the tooth.
  • After ensuring that the crown has the proper look and fit, the dentist cements it into place.

This process generally consists of a minimum of 2 – 3 visits over a three to four week period.

Once the procedure is completed, proper dental hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, is required to maintain healthy, bacteria-free teeth gums and crowns. This helps prevent gum disease. your crowns can last a lifetime with proper care.